Women 3.0: All Things Web3 — Issue #4

By Carly Long
8 min readMar 23, 2022

Back to the drawing board… 🖼

How do you approach it?

When you finally finish a project or painting or YouTube clip or really good week of social posts or figuring out what to wear for the first time stepping out of your house since PC (pre-COVID)… and then just getting that urge that you’ve got to scrap it. You’ve got to start all over again. Maybe it’s because you got some external feedback, maybe it’s all internal knowing.

This week, I finished the third and final installment of a 3-part canvas painting I’m working on for a seasoned NFL player. He’s been on three teams and wants to represent them all in his new gym.

Painting #1 — nailed it.

Painting #2 — slayed.

Painting #3 — looked so weird.

Knowing when you’ve got to go back to square one can be easy sometimes — like in this instance, it was plain as day.

Other times, not so much…

Like when I first started out in this community and thought, “Hey people like to buy my paintings. I’ll just list a few on OpenSea as NFTs and make bank!”

It took some time to realize that I was indeed not making bank, because I kept thinking my NFTs (couldn’t even call them a project or collection at that point) just had to be discovered by one lucky shilling Tweet thread.

Then, it took some time to figure out where to even go. Was there a drawing board I could return to? Did I want to? Would it be worth it? How would I get there? What would I draw?

These are just two examples, but as described above… sometimes I go back to the beginning for something as simple as wearing my hair in a ponytail or braid… testing out a new morning routine like getting up and getting a sweat in, or sleeping in and exploring letting my creative juices flow at night.

What it all really comes down to is this: The only constant in life — is change.

So, we SHOULD constantly be checking in with ourselves to see how we feel about things: If they light us up. If something just feels better than something else (you don’t always owe everybody an explanation, some things are just visceral). If we want something different. If we’re facing the same patterns and want to finally breakthrough.

Sure, we must honor our commitments and see out our responsibilities, but we must also keep in mind that with every step, every tweet, every nap, every bite, every song and dance, every hug, every moment — we get to make these decisions and choose our directions.

And every one of those actions, choices and decisions… creates our future.

So how do you approach change? What about choices? Do you allow yourself to start over? Do you give yourself that grace to begin again? How do you tackle going back to the drawing board?

For me, I do it with joy. IDK if you’re familiar with Human Design, but I’m the type to constantly be moving from one thing to the next, seeking shortcuts, trying out and exploring all my curiosities, passions and interests. It’s something I honestly didn’t accept and embrace until recently… despite it being prevalent throughout my entire life. Exhibit A — I can still picture my G-Pop living with us during my teen years. He’d sit at the kitchen table and I’d pop in the room with my flip phone in hand, wearing a different outfit, other hand on hip, telling him my plans had changed for the 5th time that night. Instead of going to the movies with Sophie, we were all going to hang out at Jake’s pool… but we were also maybe going to stop by Parkside and grab some ice cream. Or maybe head up to Stadium Grille and see if any cool older kids were there. I’d need a few bucks for the arcade games. Naturally, I guess as any grandfather would be with a teenage granddaughter, G-Pop would sit there baffled, asking my mom how she kept up. But in my mind, I lived an exciting life. Still do.

What some see as inconsistent, always hitting the reset button each morning as you tap off your alarm clock… I see it as refreshing, surprising, getting to still live out that day with the wonder and expectation that something worth telling our friends was surely bound to happen.

So for me, I go through a lot of spaghetti — chucking it at the wall to see what sticks.

And in the end, it’s a masterpiece if I’ve ever seen one.


Women’s History Month is being celebrated on NFT Twitter >>>

@humbug88 joined in the trend of building and her women-led projects collection this month, recently minting @WomenTribe_nfts / @NotYourBroNFT / @90sbabesnft / @YearoftheWoman_ Women. ❤️ (& heck yes do I want one of each!!)

“There’s room for all of us to succeed.”

Murat Pak Donates Almost $2M in ETH To The Ukrainian Crypto Wallet >>> see the official tweet below for donation addresses.

Amidst the Russia-Ukraine crisis, Murat Pak is one of many in the crypto and NFT space who are showing up to support Ukrainians. This article details a few of them — like Pak’s donation of 670 ETH.

Start Spreading The News… 🎶

Billboard’s NFT Magazine Covers: Christina Aguilera, Mariah Carey & Madonna

Billboard wanted to shine a light on efforts to ensure that the future will be one of equality, so they commissioned none other than the iconic Yam Karkai herself.

For more WoW, check out an interview with Yam on NFT Evening.

9 NFT companies working with Hollywood studios & creators to drive the future of the blockchain-based tech in entertainment

>>> Argo, Crypto.com NFT, Curio, Genies, Niftys, OneOf, Orange Comet, Pixel Vault & YellowHeart.

(P.S. #staytuned — YellowHeart will be joining us on Women 3.0 soon!)

ICYMI: How Gwyneth Paltrow, Mila Kunis & other celebs are making crypto friendlier for women & non-binary people

Crypto without the “bros,” BFF is like a team of benevolent older sisters, guiding others along. Watch a replay of the BFF Minted event here. (I attended live, and it was hella worth it.)

Can You Be an NFT Artist AND an Environmentalist?

The two don’t go hand in hand, right? Some artists are trying to find a way.

(P.S. #staytuned — environmental NFT artist Maya Frost will be sharing her story on the Women 3.0 blog soon!)

I’m now campaigning for beauty influencer Huda Kattan to be on my podcast…

Her first NFT was a World of Women piece gifted by her husband. She was skeptical, at first. “I was like, ‘Thank you for this picture. But it looks like graphic design. It doesn’t really look like anything that’s of value.‘”

But her appreciation and interest grew from there — to collecting 273 NFTs. #bullish

70% of influencers believe social media will be replaced by the metaverse.

Mic, drop. 🎤 An influencer-marketing firm ran a survey to understand what will happen to content creators in the metaverse — here’s their findings.

All I Do Is #WerkWerkWerkWerkWerkWerk

Ok but for those of you singing Rihanna’s anthem… your work could start to look a whole lot cooler if you check out these Web3 jobs:

Alexander Taub (🔺👁🔺)


I’d like to hire a chief meme officer for Upstream. Anyone here qualified?

The Rise of the Chief Metaverse Officer

Nike, Disney, Meta, Amazon, Microsoft, and KPMG are just a few companies who have started to hire for positions focused on the metaverse.

🎙 Who We’re Talking To

First off, we’ve got exciting news! My producer is kicking off edits to the first season of the Women 3.0: All Things Web3 podcast! You’ll be the first to know about our launch date 😎

In the meantime, get hype, because this week alone we’ve had a ton more cool conversations:

  • Samantha Rivera, Chief Design Officer at Gallant Token
  • Vijay Pravin, Founder & CEO of bitsCrunch
  • James Tarling, Founder & CEO of Coindor
  • Caroline Pugliese, Director of Creator & Entertainment Partnerships at Rally
  • Shira Lazar, Emmy-nominated Host, Web3 advocate and Founder of What’s Trending

🗓 You’re Gonna Want To Pencil These In…



Join on #IWD2022 for a powerful talk w/women leaders in #Web3! @BadBitch_Empire hosts @desfemmes @we3 @boysclubcrypto @wowpixiesNFT @wib @komerabi @shefi


w/ @lisacarmenwang @lisabeyu @0xelan @leighcuen @maggie_love @manasilvora @parkerjayp @nftlily https://t.co/vWqkVZT0jx

Don’t Miss Dolly!

Major #SXSW News! 🚨 Dolly Parton is live-streaming the first-ever SXSW performance with blockchain. And will chat about her new NFT project, Dollyverse. Tune in on March 18.

Calling for speakers in the Buffalo area!

Our fren Marie is looking for local NFT & Web3 guests to speak at her event for freelancers in Buffalo, NY and beyond. Give us a shout if you’re interested!

Leaving you with these gems…💎

Cheers, frens! ☕️

I always LOVE to hear from you — what you’re working on, what you’re daydreaming about, what you’re listening to, what’s inspiring you… and I’m of course always down for a coffee refill.

Say hi, drop me a note & let’s chat!






Peep my brother podcasts too!

The Job Stories Podcast

From a professional female surfer to the Royal Family’s photographer to an SVP at Paramount Pictures to big-time CEOs and small-biz entrepreneurs, we give a platform for people to share how they got to their great jobs — and how you can too.

Tech Nashville

Each week, we’ll be bringing you the IT & job hunting news you need to know, the Nashville places you’ve got to try, conversations with people much cooler than us… & more.



By Carly Long

Get in crypto kids, we’re sharing stories of women-led Web3 projects: Everything from NFTs to cryptocurrency, blockchain, the metaverse and more. 🚀💙